Surgery: Dr Leonor BENHAIM, Dr Matthieu FARON, Dr Charles HONORE, Dr Maximiliano GELLI, Dr Isabelle SOURROUILLE, Dr Elena FERNANDEZ DE SEVILLA Medical oncology: Pr Michel DUCREUX, Dr Valérie BOIGE, Dr Antoine HOLLEBECQUE, Dr Cristina SMOLENSCHI, Dr Alina FUEREA, Dr Audrey PERRET, Dr Marine VALERY, Thomas PUDLARZ, Dr Anthony TARABAY Radiology: Dr Rémy BARBE, Pr Yves MENU Radiotherapy: Dr Jérôme DURAND-LABRUNIE, Pr Eric DEUTSCH
The Gustave Roussy Digestive Diseases Committee is responsible for the management of patients with tumours of the gastrointestinal tract and associated organs:
Various methods are used to treat brain tumours: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These can be employed singly or combined. The choice of treatment is made by consultation between specialists from different disciplines (surgery, radiotherapy, oncology, neurology and pathological anatomy) and always makes allowances for the unique nature of each patient. At Gustave Roussy, a personalised care plan (PPS) is handed to each patient. This document reviews the details and the process of treatment.