Au cours de votre prise en charge, le médecin peut vous proposer de participer à une recherche biomédicale sur une méthode diagnostique, une stratégie thérapeutique, un médicament, un produit, un matériel innovants, afin de développer les connaissances médicales et donc de progresser dans la prise en charge du cancer.
Le Code de la santé publique reconnaît à toute personne le droit d’accéder aux informations relatives à sa santé détenues par un professionnel ou un établissement de santé public ou privé (article L. 1111-7 issu de la loi du 4 mars 2002) et les professionnels de santé ont une obligation d’information.
Open to all patients and relatives looking for information and support, the Patients and Carers Area is a friendly place located on the ground floor, in the main hall of Villejuif hospital.
Open every day, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5.30 pm without interruption.
Gustave Roussy takes care to ensure that the administrative formalities for you within the hospital are simple. The administrative formalities unit is there to answer your questions and, if necessary, to help you. This unit works closely with the Gustave Roussy social services unit.
Treatment costs are usually high. If you have French social security or if your country is signatory to a reciprocal agreement with France, these costs are wholly or partially covered.
Patients are first and foremost citizens and, as such, possess rights. These protect and ensure their autonomy and respect of their individual freedoms and dignity within the hospital. Communication with patients plays a fundamental role in their management and allows them to participate fully in decisions about their treatment.
As a leader in cancer in Europe, Gustave Roussy also occupies a prominent place internationally because of its innovative model of comprehensive care, the excellence of its research and the quality of the training it provides to health-care professionals in the field of oncology.