Témoignage - David Lauren

Ils nous soutiennent

David Lauren
Directeur de la Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation


They are Gustave Roussy

They are Gustave Roussy

Bandeau témoignages

They are caregivers, doctors, patients, researchers, administrative staff, healthcare providers, donors, contributors…
All of them are involved in the fight against cancer with Gustave Roussy.

Discover their testimonies:

Témoignage d'Hélène, infirmière à Gustave Roussy

Témoignage d'Astride, infirmière en pédiatrie

Témoignage de Virginie, patiente à Gustave Roussy

Témoignage d’Ulrick Birba

Nos experts témoignent

Ulrick Birba,
Technicien principal du laboratoire de thérapie cellulaireUlrick Birba

Gustave Roussy and LXRepair announce a partnership for personalized radiotherapy of cancer

21 october 2021

Gustave Roussy and LXRepair announce a partnership for personalized radiotherapy of cancer

PLXRepair, a pioneer in personalized radiotherapy with functional assays measuring DNA repair to predict treatment response, with a clinical proof-of-concept of radiotoxicity prediction in breast and prostate cancer, and Gustave Roussy, Europe's leading cancer center, announced today the launch of a joint laboratory to improve the personalization of radiotherapy.
